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"Who am I, sir? A Utah Man am I. A Utah Man, sir, and will be 'til I die!"
-Some of The University of Utah's Fight Song Lyrics

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Did Tyler Rowley Learn to Write?

I, Tyler Rowley, have become a fairly good writer, in my opinion, and have worked hard to get to the point that I am at now. It didn’t matter if it was school work, personal writing, or even a journal, there have been many things that have happened to me that changed me into the writer I am today. As we continue to read in these writing today, I hope that we can learn from what has happened, and remember them for some time to come!

Let’s start with my friends. Friends are people who will never bring you down, but will always bring you up! That is true in friendships, gaming, talk, and even writing! They are the kind of people that always give you the support you need to keep going, and to never give up. This is true for me, at least. My friends have, as far as I have known, always been there to support me. They help me, they give you constructive criticism, and continue to give suggestions until you have something that you love, and every else likes. Friends are a very important thing when it comes to writing!

Let’s move on to my family. I have learned always there to support you, and they are always there to help you improve your stories, much like friends do! They also just want you to do your best, and they will always be happy with what you have written. I have realized that for me, they’re happy with what I have written in the past, as far as I know, and I’m sure I’ll also be supported in the future. My brother is just one example of someone who has made quite a difference in my life and how I write.

When I was about 8 or so I would write one or two page stories that had meaning to them. One story I had wrote a story about a man who was driving down the road of a street in his car. Being careless, he dropped a peanut onto the floor of his car. When he tried to reach down and pick it up, he drove off the road and crashed. That driver was not very happy at all, as you can well imagine. The moral of the story was to not crash while driving, which is kind of obvious now, but meant something to me then.

I made my brother read this story, because I thought it was amazing. He said something along the lines of “Good job, that’s pretty good.” To me, back then, those were words of success; they were words of someone who supported me enough to make me fill like the story was important. It is those kinds of things that help, or at least help when you are younger!

I found that I have a way of writing, and a process that I usually follow when I write. I personally sit down at my computer with things jotted down on a paper, and things put together a little bit in my head, and write what I can write about. While I’m typing, I’ll edit and expand on things that come to me right then. I later, usually the next day, would read through the whole thing again and make some changes to it. I will always use a spell checking program because of my terrible spelling. After it is all typed up, I almost always think that it has turned out great! One great reason for this is that I made it, which is why I decided to write it the way I wrote it! But at least I’m proud of my work!

Another thing I have noticed is that I have gotten better at writing over time! From learning the Alphabet when I was very young, to short stories when I was a little younger. I have realized that I have come a very long way, and fill that I have wrote quite great today!

One final reason is that I have used text messaging before, which turned out to help me quite a lot. It helped me because I was forced to learn how to spell certain words. Without the correct spelling, the word I wanted to write in my text wouldn’t come up on the screen. The spell checker programs have also has helped me because it would not be able to guess the correct word, unless it was very close to the correct spelling.

I am proud of how far I have come in learning to write. Without this knowledge of writing, I’m sure I would not be in the same spot I am right now. Some places I can think of are some of the many honor classes I am in. I have learned so much, and I’m proud of the personal progress that I’ve made. I may not be the best at writing, and sometimes I’m not even better that people who are younger than me. When it is all said and done, I personally sure have learned to be better at writing, and that is all that matters to me.